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The ScoopHow to tell if your glucose needs better management: Unveiling the hidden clues

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is vital for good health

Did you know that 88% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy, and over 800 million people globally are living with obesity


One reason these numbers are so high is that the signs of unbalanced blood sugar are very subtle and often fly under the radar. Many people often don’t realize they have high blood sugar until it leads to long-term health complications.

In this article, we’ll explore why it’s important to watch for the subtle signs of unbalanced blood sugar and break down five key symptoms that may indicate the need for better glucose management.

Five signals you need better glucose management

1– Frequent brain fog and changes in energy & mood 

One of the earliest signs that your glucose levels may need attention is changes in energy levels, mood swings, disrupted sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating or brain fog. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the brain. When its levels are imbalanced, it can result in a rollercoaster of emotions, energy crashes, and cognitive challenges.

We all feel tired from time to time, but if you find yourself regularly experiencing fatigue, irritability, or difficulty concentrating—especially right after you eat—it might be a signal to re-assess whether or not your glucose levels are functioning effectively.

2– Unexplained cravings and hunger

If you experience intense cravings or you’re hungry all the time, even after you eat, it could indicate fluctuations in blood sugar levels. When glucose levels spike and then crash, the body signals the brain to crave more food, leading to overeating and unhealthy snacking habits. Paying attention to these signals can help identify whether your glucose levels are stable.

3– Challenges with hormones, PMS, and menopausal symptoms

Glucose levels play a significant role in hormonal balance, particularly in women. Too much sugar increases estrogen levels, resulting in symptoms like irritability, mood swings, sleep issues, hot flashes and night sweats. Working to balance your blood sugar helps rebalance your hormones, and can dramatically ease your symptoms.

4– Skin-related issues 

The impact of glucose on skin health and aging is often underestimated. Elevated blood sugar levels can contribute to the breakdown of collagen and elastin, leading to premature wrinkles and sagging skin. Skin-related issues like dark spots, skin tags or rough patches can often be improved by taking measures to help balance your blood sugar.

5– Family history

If you have a family history of diabetes or other metabolic disorders, it becomes even more critical to keep a close eye on your glucose levels. You can inherit a predisposition to metabolic disease so learning about your family health history and discussing it with your doctor is an important step in knowing if you are at a higher risk.

Understanding the signals your body sends can be instrumental in maintaining optimal health. Pay attention to these signs to gain valuable insights into whether your glucose levels need better management so you can take the right steps to gaining a healthier and more vibrant life.